GSI: A Shining Light in Tarrant County

Where does someone turn when they are alone and need help? What do they do when they have no one to care for them?

In Tarrant County, the answer is GSI.

GSI is a nonprofit organization that cares for Tarrant County adults who cannot fully care for themselves.

GSI was created to care for at-risk adults who have been placed into guardianship by the Tarrant County Probate Court and have nowhere else to turn. Clients in our Money Management Program, an alternative to guardianship, find help making prudent financial decisions in their own best interest.

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A Unique Support Program

GSI goes the extra mile to serve those in need. Our experienced, compassionate staff doesn’t stop at just supplying the basics. We address the specific needs of each individual, keeping their best interests at heart.

GSI is dedicated to going above and beyond in providing care and hope to people where there was none before. Why? Because it’s the right thing to do. That's just the kind of generosity and compassion for which Tarrant County is known.


GSI is dedicated to going above and beyond in providing care and hope for at-risk adults.

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Money Management

GSI Money Management offers flexible, empowering alternatives for vulnerable adults

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